Saturday, March 31, 2007

Random Update

Hello everyone!!!! Just had a few minutes where I thought I would say hello to everyone!!! This past week has been a great week for being on campus except for the enormous amounts of rain we have had!!! For the first time in seven months it has rained for more than a couple of hours. It has been crazy for the past week it has rained almost everyday all is today Saturday has been the first day it has not rained but we have still had heavy cloud cover. On campus this past week we have been doing an outreach with fliers on the 3 campus we are on. The fliers have pictures of 3 rulers of past centuries like Augustus Cesar, Alexander the Great, rulers through-out history. Under their pictures is a line that says "They have conquered everything but death..." This was the leading sentence in bold letters which starts the paragraph explaining why they did not conquer death. The flier had two other paragraphs which explained a little about vida, but mainly focus on the gospel message. We handed out over 2000 fliers in two days with lots of interesting responses. We had people react by throwing fliers down, making sounds, returning fliers, strange looks..etc. What was great were the people that asked "why". That was the question we were going for, luckily we had several people who became interested in a deeper explanation. Sometimes handing out fliers can be hard when we place ourselves in a place where we can be rejected, but I believe our team stood strong under the pressure this week.
Also, we have started English Club. We have been promoting this club for the past several weeks. Two weeks ago we began out first English Club with 10 students and had special guest of my Dad and my girlfriend Ashley. It was a wonderful time for Dad and Ashley to meet some of the people we minister to as well as out team having the opportunity to build relationship with 10 new Argentines. Engish Club since its begining week has continuted to grow up to 13 people this past week. For me this was super exciting b/c now we have the opportunity to grow these relationships outside of English Club. For example, this Sunday we are having a pizza dinner for all our contacts from English Club to random people we have meet. This will be a time for Argentines to meet Argentines, for Vida members to meet new Argentines and for our team to begin to love on the students here!!! Well, time for me to go hopefully I can post some pics and more writing later but I have to go to supper now. God Bless everyone!!!!!!! Nos Vemos


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey baby! For all of the loving family and friends, how about another update!?!?!?!

9:07 PM

Blogger mama duck said...

Hi Brian. It has been a while since I have posted a comment, but we have all been thinking of you over the past few months. We did a unit on missionaries from our church with the 3 year Mission Friends class, and they enjoyed seeing your picture and hearing about Argentina. I hope you are doing great, and I am glad to hear you are returning to the USA next year. Thanks for all of the wonderful updates!

8:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has it really been two and a hlaf months since an update? What is going on down there!?!?!?

3:52 AM


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