Saturday, August 04, 2007

Our Urban Mission group after worship in the parks walking home
One of the largest gatherings of christians in all of time in Korea...this is similar to Expo 74
This is our Urban Mission Group passing out cold coffee and flyers and a little gift to everyone who would take it...we are trying to share the gospel through the flyers and the church is just a few blocks away and this is on a Sunday before church trying to encourage people to go!!!
This is my friend from a closed country near the in prayer for him as he returns
Us at the Seoul World Cup Stadium worshiping the Lord with thosands many that they could not put them all in the stadium...their were thosands sitting outside and not able to get in...It was an amazing time
Warming up our voices and tunning the gutiar before we sing. We sang in Korean and English it was pretty exciting b/c the Koreans new the words of one song really well and we knew the words of the other. It was great how God used us to work together and lift up the resident, giving them all smiles on their faces. Funny story, when we entered this house we naturally waved at all the people there. This was our first day, we were not used to bowing before we enter and greeting. One lady commented why are they being rude and waving at me. It was funny. Culturally older women are to be given the most respect, so we made a little mistake. Its all good though. During that week of Urban Mission we also got to visit a retirement house. We sang, played games and ate with the residents there.
The University we went on to share the good news
This is after left the College of Sejong in Seoul, Korea. Group shot after we got done doing some witnessing on campus. It was pretty neat I went to talk to some students and come to find out they spoke english. This gave Sarah and I the girl I was witnessing with an oprotunity to invite them church and CRU events and we tried to share the Gospel.
This is us on Urban Mission in Korea, worshiping in a park. It was an amazing time, something I had never done before. God really used it to open my heart to worship and see how you can worship and pray anywhere...

A friend I made at CM2007
A group of us at the last night celebration
This guy was nice enough to give me his shirt!!!
This is the preacher and some members of the church we worked with during Urban Mission after CM2007 in Korea
Here we are eating some traditional Korean food the Church had cooked us

Yep they still have McDonalds in Korea...pretty cool sign
Looking out from the 3rd floor of the convention center onto the entrance...this is around lunch time...but its amazing how many people and its no where near all of them...mabye like a 1/16 or less
This is a photo from the last night...these guys were was a full on karate show with the story of Jesus in it...amazing
Front row seats for the last night celebration....We were able to see over 200 people receive Christ that night!!!!
This is Steve Douglas (right) President of Campus Crusade and his translator who was so freakin funny b/c we would make the same motions and actions as Steve....GO TRANSLATOR GUY

A photo taken from our first day in Korea out the window of our dorm room. We stayed in this location for 1 day then moved closer to the convention center.
Vamos Argentina!!!!! Yeah we had so many people we almost took up an entire bus!!!!! This is our first day in Korea moving from our dormitories to our hotel near the convention center
First Day getting the down low on everything!!!
Some of my Argentine friends
Random shot of Korea

At the Palace in Madrid having some fun!!
In Madrid when we had the opprotunity to pray with a christian lady in a park who owned a icecream stand
One of the great structures of Madrid...This town was amazing
Us on the plane to Korea and CM2007 having the opprotunity to speak with people from 3 different countries also going to CM2007
When we first arrived in Korea

Team Shot in Spain during our Mission Trip in Malaga

The Palace in Spain, Madrid we got to take a tour it was incredible

Looking out over the city of Madrid

One of my favorite Shots

This was a photo of the Catholic church across the road from the Palace

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Random Update

Hello everyone!!!! Just had a few minutes where I thought I would say hello to everyone!!! This past week has been a great week for being on campus except for the enormous amounts of rain we have had!!! For the first time in seven months it has rained for more than a couple of hours. It has been crazy for the past week it has rained almost everyday all is today Saturday has been the first day it has not rained but we have still had heavy cloud cover. On campus this past week we have been doing an outreach with fliers on the 3 campus we are on. The fliers have pictures of 3 rulers of past centuries like Augustus Cesar, Alexander the Great, rulers through-out history. Under their pictures is a line that says "They have conquered everything but death..." This was the leading sentence in bold letters which starts the paragraph explaining why they did not conquer death. The flier had two other paragraphs which explained a little about vida, but mainly focus on the gospel message. We handed out over 2000 fliers in two days with lots of interesting responses. We had people react by throwing fliers down, making sounds, returning fliers, strange looks..etc. What was great were the people that asked "why". That was the question we were going for, luckily we had several people who became interested in a deeper explanation. Sometimes handing out fliers can be hard when we place ourselves in a place where we can be rejected, but I believe our team stood strong under the pressure this week.
Also, we have started English Club. We have been promoting this club for the past several weeks. Two weeks ago we began out first English Club with 10 students and had special guest of my Dad and my girlfriend Ashley. It was a wonderful time for Dad and Ashley to meet some of the people we minister to as well as out team having the opportunity to build relationship with 10 new Argentines. Engish Club since its begining week has continuted to grow up to 13 people this past week. For me this was super exciting b/c now we have the opportunity to grow these relationships outside of English Club. For example, this Sunday we are having a pizza dinner for all our contacts from English Club to random people we have meet. This will be a time for Argentines to meet Argentines, for Vida members to meet new Argentines and for our team to begin to love on the students here!!! Well, time for me to go hopefully I can post some pics and more writing later but I have to go to supper now. God Bless everyone!!!!!!! Nos Vemos

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Campamento in the South

Here we are on the way to Campamento in the South. Since it was a super long bus ride like almost 20 hours we took a little nicer bus line called coache cama where serves food along with gives you a blanket and pillow super nice.
Here is a picture along the way of one of the dirt rodes we had to take. A little blury out the window but some awsome view...
Here is another picture taken from a top of a moutian looking down into the valley at the wonderful mountians. I love how the rode cuts through those rock.
Here we are at campamento in the meeting area. This camps size is around 85 to 90 so a little smaller having meetings in a church but the fever for God is still there.
Here is our planning group that made the whole week flow really well