Saturday, February 17, 2007

Campamento in the South

Here we are on the way to Campamento in the South. Since it was a super long bus ride like almost 20 hours we took a little nicer bus line called coache cama where serves food along with gives you a blanket and pillow super nice.
Here is a picture along the way of one of the dirt rodes we had to take. A little blury out the window but some awsome view...
Here is another picture taken from a top of a moutian looking down into the valley at the wonderful mountians. I love how the rode cuts through those rock.
Here we are at campamento in the meeting area. This camps size is around 85 to 90 so a little smaller having meetings in a church but the fever for God is still there.
Here is our planning group that made the whole week flow really well

Mapuches 2

Here is a Maupuche who had just received clothes from our group she was super excited!!
Here we were on our long walk on the way to visit with the Maupuche Indians.
A team pick without me b/c i am the camera boy all the time...its all good though here is a shot of a couple familes right after we handed out clothes..etc.
This is one of the houses we stopped at and prayed with an elder man who was sick...also delivering clothes to keep him warm during the nights. In this picture you can see one of the sons constucting a new house along with currently three others. The far left and far right are living areas for the mom and dad and sons and the one in the middle where you can see the door is the kitchen.
Anther house along the way.
Here are the girls sorting through some of the clothes making sure we give the Maupuches the right sizes.
This is one of the elders in the communtiy, he was super nice and kind. He would be called a guapo or cowboy that is the terms they use for men in the Maupuche villages.

Second day we went back to one Maupuche Community delivering foods and clothes...this was the half way point in the walk.
This was the a small child playing while his parents were worshiping with our group.
This was later in the week when we were able to worship with some of the natives...this was during kid time.
Here is the "Jesus Film Bus" helping us hand out clothes, shoes, toys, and food to the people in a community of Maupuches. This was after the worship time we had with a group earlier. Almost 15 peple in this one little community.
Here we are transporting one Maupuche family from there home about 5 miles away from where we were able to meet and have worship with several familes...I think it was 3 or 4 familes total.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Project in the South

Pictures of our team working during Project with several different teams of Maupuche Indians

Here we are praying with the Mapuche Indians this is absolutly amazaing!! The man in the dark blue is a christian along with all the others standing in the group. The man in the dark blue is kinda like a pastor among the community...on this day we brought scripture reading and bible study to the adults of the community and challanged these Christians to share their faith with others in the community. On this day the Lord moved almost all of their hearts to serving the Lord and sharing the faith with others....God truly worked in each of their hearts and opened their hearts to his leading it was miraculous!!!!

Here are the children of two familes behind them is one of their houses.
Here is part of the family comming to our bus to receive the clothes and other items we were bringing them...this was right after the seperate times for children, youth and adults.
This is Jenn, one of the girls on our team sharing the Gospel with a girl of the same age. That day she the girl in the red accepted Christ and now is in the family of beileviers praise the Lord.
Pablo our guide and leader along with several members of a different Maupuche faimly we met with these faimlies on a different day. Providing clothes that came from all around Argentina and food.
Another shot of the boys posing.
This is one of the faimly member that received Christ last year and these ladies were pryaing together giving her some guidance and direction for the next year.
Team and Family shot...notice the animals are apart of the family.
The little boys playing with the horse.
The Maupuche Indians Farm and House

Our team who walked 10 miles to visit this Mapuche Family and deliever food and clothes to them. One person missing was Pablo from this picture he was our guide. The walk was long but it was worth the love we were able to share with these children below...they are adorable!!
This is Carlos he is 7 years old and loves to play with his horse and his little brother Santiago...I had the opprotunity to play around the farm with these two children and they loved to pose for the camera as you can tell. They wanted me to take there pictures and then show them what they looked like it was amazing. In Argentina we would call them Gaupos which kinda means cowboys they were dressed for the occasion.
I had another picture with them and they were smiling buy my eyes were shut...this was their serious faces!!
Here is Santiago giving me a pose so I can take his picture what a cute little boy!!
This was Santiago's mad face!!! He loved to play for the camera it was amazing.